UK December election hugely successful for SIMPOL

The WEF's Competitiveness Contradiction
The World Economic Forum assumes that the pursuit of "national competitiveness" brings only benefits to nations, but in his blog on Huff Post, Simpol's founder John Bunzl highlights the contradiction that lies at the heart of the competitiveness discourse.
For all Huff Post articles by John, go here.

Evonomics publishes interview on The Simpol Solution
Where does Simpol fit in the story of human evolution? Prestigious economics blog, Evonomics, has published a great interview of authors John Bunzl and Nick Duffell by evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson about their new book The Simpol Solution. Read it here.

14 TDs pledged to implement Simpol!
14 TDs from four different parties are now pledged to implement the Simultaneous Policy. See the list here. Download Simpol-Ireland's Election 2016 Press Release.
Irish citizens: make sure as many Irish TDs as possible sign the Pledge by simply signing on to the campaign yourself.
Scilla Elworthy endorses Simpol
Scilla Elworthy, founder of the Oxford Research Group and long-time campaigner for nuclear disarmament and peace, has endorsed John Bunzl's new book, Global Domestic Politics - A citizen's guide to running a diverse planet. "I think it’s a terrific book," she said. "You are writing with great clarity and it makes all the difference that you bring in Spiral Dynamics and Integral thinking. This allows you to make such strong points about diverse values and non democratic nations. Until I read your clear analysis, I hadn’t realised just how much destructive global competition is central to governments’ problems".

Ken Wilber dialogues with John Bunzl on IntegralLife
Ken Wilber, founder of Integral Theory, and John Bunzl dialogue about global governance and how Simpol may be key in achieving it. Available in several parts, the dialogue can be heard here. It is based on a new article by John to appear shortly in the Journal of Integral Theory & Practice entitled Transcending 1st-Tier Values in Achieving Binding Democratic Global Governance. Wilber has described Simpol as "a 2nd-tier political practice that makes a great deal of sense, and is certainly worth backing" and is a member of Simpol's Advisory Board.
John Bunzl at KCL Climate Change Round table
Simpol's founder, John Bunzl, was a panelist at a Round table on climate change at King's College, London on 8th August, 2pm entitled "Beyond Kyoto - Diverse avenues or impasse for climate governance?" Other panelists included the Rt Hon. John Gummer (Lord Deben), Ruth Davis (Senior advisor on climate change, Greenpeace UK), and Ms. Alesha De-Freitas (Head, Low Carbon Team, Foreign and Commonwealth Office). The event was organised by visitig professor, Dr. Diana Bozhilova AKC.

Terry Patten interviews John Bunzl
Integral teacher, Terry Patten, interviewed John Bunzl on May 13th as part of Terry's excellent Beyond Awakening interview series. John explains more about global consciousness and how Simpol offers a solution to global problems. To listen to this and other inspiring interviews, click here. To read Terry's blog about the interview, click here.